Pure is what we all always look out for. So is in the case of stock markets. Investors talk about pure plays, which can be consumption, banking or any other such themes. So, would traders talk about, pure data, pure
Greeks are the most important part of options trading. It is very crucial to understand them and their inter linkages before you start trading options. As overwhelming they seem in the beginning they become equally interesting once a trader understands
The easiest way to describe Indian equity markets have been these two words over past few months now. Either there is pain or panic or both. Early announcements by our present FM Mrs. Nirmala Sitharaman had no impact on market
Festive time is back. Generally, it is this time of the year when spirits run high, as it is festival time. People are in a joyous mood and look forward to meeting their dear ones. Shopping and feasting is at
Friday, the 20th reminded me of 18th May 2009, when Nifty was locked in 20% upside circuit. This was the biggest move in Nifty since then. After lot of piecemeal efforts by the F.M. for a month now, finally she
For last 5 years we have been hearing about “credit crisis” almost every day. The financial newspapers and magazines are full of news, views and articles on credit related issues. This crisis is increasingly hurting financial markets as each day
We live in a world of change. The only constant here is change. Systems, methods, processes, approaches, regulations etc. keep changing and we need to adapt to it. As traders this is the most interesting and at times the challenging
It was in May 2016 when NSE introduced weekly options on Bank Nifty. Post that we saw increased interest in Banking names and so in Bank Nifty options also. Early this year this was expanded to Nifty. Weekly options on
Finally, things changed on Friday evening. The Finance Minister, declared some steps (stimulus) for the ailing economy. She addressed the concern over the FII taxation by rolling back the enhanced surcharge. Thus making LTCG, STCG and derivatives tax back to
“Freedom to Be; Aazadi Dil Ki” was the tagline of one of the most successful ad campaigns of Pepsi during my teens. I never understood the real meaning of it then, but now I can relate to it really well.
“But for every Buyer there is a Seller and for every Seller there is a Buyer, then how do you decide whether it is Long position or Short position?” This is one of the most common question that I have
Recently my kid has kept me busy helping him solve puzzles. One of our common favorite is find the odd one out. Creating a link among three out of four options is quite easy. So in a case where there
On Thursday we ended the July series. It was one of the severest expiry that we have seen in last few months. Inspite of being a month when the government presented its budget proposals, market witnessed serious pressure. The overall
The list of seven wonders of the world has seen changes over so many years that they existed. The original list consisted of Colossus of Rhodes, the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Garden of Babylon, the lighthouse of Alexandria,
Reform, Perform and Transform
Budget 2019 was presented last week. There have been lot of deliberations around it, whether it was a good, bad or an average budget. But such discussions initially create more heat and less light. It
Quality Prevails
In any form of work, quality is the most important aspect. So, when it comes to stock market, same is applicable. Stock prices in the long run are a reflection of how the businesses are doing. In
Food for Thought
The ICC world cup has started and India has started making its mark. Next few weeks are going to be extremely exciting as match after match gets played. Not very different is with the squad of Team
Things to Know about your Nifty
Few years back when the concept of KYC (Know Your Clients) came in the markets, it was unique. However, slowly this has been well accepted and expanded. The KYC concept not only covers
Too Many Moving Parts (Contd.)
Last week post the exit polls rally I wrote you about too many moving parts in the economy right now. So, while the exit poll results clearly brought a cheer in the markets, worries continue
Too Many Moving Parts
Monday morning on Dalal Street will not fade away easily from our memories. It was the highest single day absolute upmove in the last 10 years. Nifty witnessed a ferocious 3.7% upmove while Mid Cap and