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Let me start by thanking Manish Sir from the bottom of my heart for explaining the concept of OPTIONS with practical examples & not Theoretical way. DTA is the best place to learn trading & become a full time trader. Manish Sir has a very unique way of teaching & making understand the Options in a very simple way. I would suggest everyone not to only attend the Seminar but also go ahead & opt for LOM Program.

Thanks to Manish Sir and Vaibhav Sir. I made profit of Rs. 81,000/- in TATA Global in One Day. I Bought the future based on filter with protective put.

Your Innovation that is Live sheet is the fantastic innovation which help me in live intraday a lot. It actually provided me the right stock and trend which helped me in recovering my losses and Good amount of profit.
Live webinars provided the right way to start in market and provided us to build traders Mind.

I completed by batch on Oct end and this was my first month in trading options after the completion of the course. It was an eventful month and movement in markets were expected. In the beginning of the month I couldn’t take few trades as i was traveling and I expected that Sir would allow and give trades only for expiry week as that is the criteria for new students. But what really impressed me was that you allowed me to trade almost all the trades discussed with confidence and more importantly even after our view going wrong in the market we still managed to make good amount of profit.
It was a great experience in the first month itself and am feeling confident to keep going in a big way in the future.

Before attending the DTA training I was in the impression that I know to trade in option. I use to make approximately 10,000 to 15,000 rupees in month after netting of loss.
5th November 2016 I joined the DTA training session. After the first day of training I realized that I was an uneducated option trader. You were really patient to handle everyone query and also understanding everyone level of understanding the “Option”. The learning on live data and webinar gave me a confidence on the trainer (nothing on air) and the training provided as every trade was based on current fact and figures.
From November 07, 2016 to November 24, 2016 I actually earned 92,000 profits but due to my mistake the profit came down to Rs. 71,500. I am very happy to say that I took right decision of attending the training and also becoming a member. I had never dreamed that I will earn this amount of profits in a month.
I consider DTA training a part of Option Strategy “No RISK and REWARD UNLIMITED”.

I have completed your option trading course in the month of June 2016. Since then for almost three months I have paper traded option. In the month of September 2016 I have decided to go for real trades. I am very much glad to inform you that in total 10-12 trading session i.e starting from 12.09.2016 to 23.09.2016 and with only 6 trades with a capital of around Rs1 Lakh to Rs2.5 Lakhs per trade I have booked total profit of Rs 60,400/- (after taxes and brokerage).
Thank you very much to get me learn about interesting option trading tool to generate extra measurable amount of regular income.

Since last 2 months I had been successfully trading short strangles in Nifty giving me a return of around 6% to 7% per month on the margin money deployed / utilized for doing the strategy.