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- Option Strategy “No RISK and REWARD UNLIMITED”

Before attending the DTA training I was in the impression that I know to trade in option. I use to make approximately 10,000 to 15,000 rupees in month after netting of loss.
5th November 2016 I joined the DTA training session. After the first day of training I realized that I was an uneducated option trader. You were really patient to handle everyone query and also understanding everyone level of understanding the “Option”. The learning on live data and webinar gave me a confidence on the trainer (nothing on air) and the training provided as every trade was based on current fact and figures.
From November 07, 2016 to November 24, 2016 I actually earned 92,000 profits but due to my mistake the profit came down to Rs. 71,500. I am very happy to say that I took right decision of attending the training and also becoming a member. I had never dreamed that I will earn this amount of profits in a month.
I consider DTA training a part of Option Strategy “No RISK and REWARD UNLIMITED”.